
Studio update #15

today5 May 2021 209 5

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The construction pace is going well. We continue with the huge interior project.


Last month the DJ Booth & Control Room was further built and this month we continued painting job and we started adding some lights.

We painted the Control room, DJ Booth and most doors. But more paint is needed.

The DJ Booth is not ready to be painted completely yet.


Construction photo 1 – Studio Update 15
Construction photo 2 – Studio Update 15


Something that is also very important and time consuming to build is the toilet. Since the studio will have its own, we started with the drain, then we placed the system correctly and connected the water for the toilet and sink.


Construction photo 3 – Studio Update 15


In addition to the interior, improvements have also been made outside the studio. A  fence was placed before entering the studio as well the entrance.



We hope to finish the painting in May so we can continue with the electronics.


We keep you updated!

Team Real Hardstyle – Adriano, Angelo, Jeroen, Martijn, Shareena, Roland, Sarah, Rick, Roy, Saskia, Valerie


Check out all studio updates:

Written by: Roy

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