
16 Results / Page 2 of 2



The Rawness


The Rawness


Linsey Wijnands/Inpulsa, born in Oosterhout on December 20th, 1991. Her passion and love for hard style music started when she was sixteen. After years of visiting festivals, she wanted to do what she always dreamed of: being a DJ. In the summer of 2018 she decided to buy her first XDJ XR and from that moment, Inpulsa was born! She had her first festival booking in June 2019 (Reurpop Festival) and later that summer she performed at Dream Village Festival and Onbeschoft Outdoor. This festival season she will be playing at Royaal Kabaal, Intents Festival, Bassrulers Outdoor and many more to come! Inpulsa started the concept ‘The Rawness podcast’ because she wants to make a nice combination of melodies combined with energetic raw and hard kicks. From now on the podcast will be released on Real Hardstyle.



Raw From The Heart


Raw From The Heart


Isabelle Englund, better known as Bellzor is a Swedish female DJ with passion to drop hard beats. She started her career in 2015 and since then Bellzor has played in the Nordic countries, the Netherlands and Australia, constantly impressing the crowd with delivering energetic performencies. Bellzor started the concept Raw From The Heart in 2017. The podcast features melodies, rough and hard kicks. From now on she will be releasing her podcast at Real Hardstyle.



Cold Attack


Cold Attack

Kevin Wijnbergen aka Cold Attack was born on the 19th of February 1993. In his younger days, Kevin used to listen to Trance, Techno, Dance and Jumpstyle. But after a few years, he listened for the first time a few songs from the legend Headhunterz. He was directly sold and began to listen to other legends as Wildstylez, Noisecontrollers and Project One. Later on, he started to listen to the early Raw Hardstyle tracks by Ran-D. This heavy, raw noise is what he likes the most of all genres! From this moment, the only thing he listened to was hardstyle music! Started by viewing video’s on YouTube from hardstyle festivals, he visited his first festival in the year 2012: Ground Zero Festival. From that moment on, he knew that this music is not just music, it’s a lifestyle, a dedication! His mixes will contain the hardest, rawest and loudest Raw Hardstyle of the moment!






No Voice Only Noise

Real Hardstyle presents: WKND! No Voice Only Noise Live from the Real Hardstyle Studio this is THE monthly show to boost up your Friday! Hosted by A-Style & Raiden we ask friends and colleagues to join us for some drinks and play's to celebrate together a start of a new WKND! Every third Friday of the Month 20:00 - 00:00 CET/CEST live right here and of course YouTube. Currently we are moving to a new studio (which has to be built yet!)


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We offer a free service with our radio station for the hardstyle lovers worldwide. Hardstyle connects people. Consider supporting us or book RH Studios. Thanks for visiting.

WKND Livestream

Next WKND:


Upcoming shows


Early, Euphoric, Raw & Freestyle
08:00 - 17:00
