This is the 20th and final update about the construction of our new studio.
It was a major task, but the end of the to-do list for the studio is in sight at last! The gear has finally arrived and has been put nicely into the custom-made booth.
In the DJ booth, we added compartments for a mini-fridge and for our visitors’ belongings.
The floor has been put into place as well, which is great because this was the last remaining aspect of the studio which was still visibly unfinished.. up until now!
With the floor ready, it is really a cool place to be in. Everything is black and without any windows whatsoever the lighting really comes alive.
The air conditioning is scheduled to be fixed beginning of November, but this won’t be a hold-up for the opening of the studio.
We will start with the rental part of the studio first, which is now available via the website:
After we have opened the studio, we will start scheduling the live shows again.
As this is the final post regarding the studio construction, we would like to express our thanks to everyone who has been following us throughout this project by reading our posts. We hope you enjoyed it.
See you soon!
Team Real Hardstyle – Adriano, Angelo, Jeroen, Martijn, Shareena, Roland, Rick, Roy, Saskia, Valerie
Written by: Roy
Early, Euphoric, Raw & Freestyle
08:00 - 17:00
by Noizewreck
17:00 - 18:00
18:00 - 20:00
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